Wyandotte County Public Park Boundary Polygons

Data format: Shapefile

File or table name: park_py

Coordinate system: Lambert Conformal Conic

Theme keywords: society, park, outdoor recreation, public land, natural area, natural resource, sports, county park, city park, cultural, recreation site, recreation facility, park land, exercise

Abstract: Polygon feature GIS layer of all public park boundaries in Wyandotte County, KS. These boundaries are based primarily on public recreational land use extents interpreted from high resolution aerial imagery. A tax parcel GIS layer was the secondary information source (for land ownership). Additionally, this park layer's development started with a pre-existing park boundary GIS layer that used tax parcels as a basis. Published as an ESRI shapefile format, polygon vector layer, in US feet units in Kansas North State Plane coordinate system, NAD 83 datum Companion public parks datasets are available : 1) park_bldg_py for building footprints (polygons) 2) park facilities points layer (park_facility_pt), 3) plan line features like driveways, fences, etc (park_plan_ln), 4) plan point features like poles, light posts (park_plan_pt), 5) recreational facility polygons, e.g. tennis courts and ball diamonds (park_facility_py), 6) park trails (park_trail_ln) 6) GIS annotation labels are available to complement this park_py layer. Contact GSS for more information

FGDC and ESRI Metadata:

Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.

Identification Information:

Citation information:
Originators: GeoSpatial Services

Wyandotte County Public Park Boundary Polygons
*File or table name: park_py

Publication date: 20110328
*Geospatial data presentation form: vector digital data

*Online linkage: \\ug.unifiedgov.org\ugcommon\gis\data\pub\cultural\park_py.shp

Polygon feature GIS layer of all public park boundaries in Wyandotte County, KS. These boundaries are based primarily on public recreational land use extents interpreted from high resolution aerial imagery. A tax parcel GIS layer was the secondary information source (for land ownership). Additionally, this park layer's development started with a pre-existing park boundary GIS layer that used tax parcels as a basis.

Published as an ESRI shapefile format, polygon vector layer, in US feet units in Kansas North State Plane coordinate system, NAD 83 datum

Companion public parks datasets are available : 1) park_bldg_py for building footprints (polygons) 2) park facilities points layer (park_facility_pt), 3) plan line features like driveways, fences, etc (park_plan_ln), 4) plan point features like poles, light posts (park_plan_pt), 5) recreational facility polygons, e.g. tennis courts and ball diamonds (park_facility_py), 6) park trails (park_trail_ln) 6) GIS annotation labels are available to complement this park_py layer. Contact GSS for more information

Dataset developed as a supplemental cultural features layer for use in the Unified Government's Enterprise GIS. It is intended for virtually any scale used for municipal and county mapping.

Supplemental information:
Unified Government's GeoSpatial Services (GSS) is also custodian/distributor of many other digital spatial reference layer datasets covering Wyandotte County, Kansas. For more information on publicly available datasets contact GSS using Distributor contact info in this metadata.

*Language of dataset: en

Time period of content:
Time period information:
Multiple dates/times:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080320
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080325
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080328

Currentness reference:
ground condition

Progress: Complete
Maintenance and update frequency: As needed

Spatial domain:
Bounding coordinates:
*West bounding coordinate: -94.897053
*East bounding coordinate: -94.606861
*North bounding coordinate: 39.183247
*South bounding coordinate: 39.043247

Local bounding coordinates:
*Left bounding coordinate: 2193370.999722
*Right bounding coordinate: 2274036.526383
*Top bounding coordinate: 324670.625203
*Bottom bounding coordinate: 276542.057090

Theme keywords: society
Theme keyword thesaurus: ISO 19115

Theme keywords: park, outdoor recreation, public land, natural area, natural resource, sports, county park, city park, cultural, recreation site, recreation facility, park land, exercise
Theme keyword thesaurus: UG GeoSpatial Services GIS Keyword Thesaurus

Place keywords: Wyandotte County Kansas, Bonner Springs Kansas, Edwardsville Kansas, Kansas City Metro Area, Kansas City SMSA, Northeast Kansas, Kansas, Midwest, Middle West, Central US, Central Plains, KS, United States

Access constraints: Data is publicly available, but is copyrighted © 2011 by Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas. All rights reserved. Secondary distribution is by permission only. Acquisition of certain datasets is subject to terms of 'GIS Data Transmittal and Confidentiality Agreement'. For details contact GeoSpatial Services.
Use constraints:
1) Use of certain datasets is subject to terms of 'GIS Data Transmittal and Confidentiality Agreement'. For details contact GeoSpatial Services (GSS). GSS asserts all rights under copyright © 2011 by Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas. Unauthorized redistribution not permitted.

2) This metadata is an integral part of this data and should be used with and accompany data.

3) This data may come from a variety of sources and lineage and may not align perfectly when overlaid with other GIS layers.

4) You, the user, must exercise good judgment when acting upon this information.  This data should always be independently verified with original (primary) data sources for accuracy/currency/completeness if circumstances (such as possible economic loss, physical injury risk, etc.) require it. Distribution of this data is intended for informational purposes only and said data is not necessarily deemed to standards for navigational, engineering, surveying, or legal uses. Data should not be used at a scale at odds with its accuracy or resolution.

5) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in the data supplied.

Point of contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact organization: GeoSpatial Services

Contact voice telephone: 913-573-2941
Contact facsimile telephone: 913-573-4106

Contact electronic mail address: gss@wycokck.org

Hours of service: 8 AM - 5 PM Central Time | 14:00 - 23:00 UTC/GMT
Contact instructions:
For general inquiries: call 913-573-2941 or email to gss@wycokck.org

For GIS digital data requests/inquiries call 913-573-2941 or email to GetGISdata@wycokck.org

Data set credit:
GeoSpatial Services Division (GSS) of Department of Technical Services of the Unifed Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas.

Security information:
Security classification: Unclassified

*Native dataset format: Shapefile
*Native data set environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog

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Data Quality Information:

Attribute accuracy:
Attribute accuracy report:
Park attributes are believed accurate and reasonably up-to-date as of publication date. Attributes such as park name and address are sourced from best available internal UG and GSS records.

Logical consistency report:
One polygon for each park is rule,there are a few exceptions. Polygon topology is present.

A governing principle for setting park boundaries was to observe apparent land use from aerial photography, with guidance from tax parcel boundaries (land ownership). This approach was necessary because of lack of resources to research and determine actual legal park ownership boundary descriptions (which, if they exist, may or may not always coincide with land use and occupation that has occurred on parks over many years).

Park land use extent  was established as consistently and rationally as possilble but will be subject to differences of opinion. This dataset represents our 'best guess' determination of where park boundaries lie.

Where individual parks are split into detached polygons by street rights-of-way, the separate polygons were merged into multi-part polygons for better data management purposes. In some cases, parks comprised of multiple but adjacent ownership polygons were combined into one complete park boundary polygon (crossing over ROW). This was done for mainly aesthetic reasons.

Attributes for park name and park type were domain-coded values for standardization and consistency purposes.

Completeness report:
Complete set of public parks in the county

Positional accuracy:
Horizontal positional accuracy:
Horizontal positional accuracy report:
No quantitative positional accuracy statement is made. These boundaries are interpreted from observable land use apparent from aerial photography and compared with tax parcel boundaries

This dataset does not purport to show legal park ownership boundaries.

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
Originators: MJ Harden/GeoEye, Unified Government, Kansas City Kansas, Board of Public Utilities

Aerial Orthophotography of Wyandotte County

Publication date: 2008
Geospatial data presentation form: raster digital data

Other citation details:
Aerial mission, photogrammetry, and orthophotography processing was performed by vendor MJ Harden Assoc of KCMO

Online linkage: \\unified_gov\ugcommon\gis\data\pub\aerial\2008_ortho_color

Source scale denominator: 1:1200
Type of source media: aerial image raster (GeoTIFF)
Source contribution:
Aerial orthophotography provided snapshot of ground conditions to compare and review features, and as an overlay for boundary digitization.

Source time period of content:
Time period information:
Multiple dates/times:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080320
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080325
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20080328

Source currentness reference:
ground condition

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
Originators: GeoSpatial Services, Pictometry Intl.

Pictometry International Oblique Aerial Photography

Publication date: 2006
Geospatial data presentation form: raster digital data

Other citation details:
Pictometry Int. created imagery and proprietary display software (EFS) as product vendor

Source scale denominator: variable
Type of source media: oblique aerial image (raster data)
Source contribution:
Pictometry oblique imagery was used as a secondary source to identify, review, compare, and verify ground conditions on public parks

Source time period of content:
Time period information:
Range of dates/times:
Beginning date: 20061213
Ending date: 20061223

Source currentness reference:
ground condition

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
Originators: Unified Government, Wyandotte County, Kansas City Kansas, Board of Public Utilities, MJ Harden Assoc.

Digital Planimetric/Topographic Base Maps of Wyandotte County

Publication date: various
Geospatial data presentation form: map

Other citation details:
Aerial mission, photogrammetry, and map processing was performed by vendor MJ Harden Assoc of KCMO. Wyandotte County Mapping Consortium (Kansas City, KS Public Works departments), Wyandotte County Base Mapping Program [later known as GSS], and Board of Public Utilities in Kansas City, KS) developed specifications for and procured this mapping from MJ Harden Assoc.

Source scale denominator: 1:1200
Type of source media: CAD drawing in digital DWG format
Source contribution:
Digital planimetric/topographic drawing files (CAD format) furnished topographic and planimetric detail as a snapshot of ground conditions to compare and review features relating to public parks

Source time period of content:
Source currentness reference:
ground condition

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
Originators: UG Parks and Recreation

UG Parks and Recreation Public Web Site

Publication date: 2010
Geospatial data presentation form: document

Online linkage: http://www.wycokck.org/Dept.aspx?id=17686&menu_id=1016&banner=15284

Type of source media: online
Source contribution:
Provided information about park locations, assets and facilities

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
Originators: Bonner Springs Parks and Recreation

Bonner Springs Parks and Recreation Public Website

Publication date: 2010
Geospatial data presentation form: document

Online linkage: http://www.bonnersprings.org/parks.html

Type of source media: online
Source contribution:
Provided information about park assets and facilities

Source information:
Source citation:
Citation information:
UG GIS Tax Parcel Layer

Publication date: 201003

Online linkage: //unified_gov/ugcommon/GIS/data/pub/parcel/parcels.shp

Type of source media: online
Source contribution:
UG GIS tax parcel dataset layer furnished reference framework and verification of land ownership of parks

Source time period of content:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 201003

Process step:
Process description:
Development of this park boundary layer used an existing park layer as starting basis.  Attribution such as name, address or park type were compiled from available sources. In GIS software, park boundaries (from antecedent  park layer) were checked and redrawn as necessary through heads-up digitizing using aerial imagery as a comparative overlay and verification source of actual on-the-ground park extents.

Process software and version: ArcGIS 9.2
Process date: 201003

Process contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: D Schaffer

Process step:
Process description:
Metadata imported.

Source used citation abbreviation:

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Spatial Data Organization Information:

*Direct spatial reference method: Vector

Point and vector object information:
SDTS terms description:
*Name: park_py
*SDTS point and vector object type: G-polygon
*Point and vector object count: 69

ESRI terms description:
*Name: park_py
*ESRI feature type: Simple
*ESRI feature geometry: Polygon
*ESRI topology: FALSE
*ESRI feature count: 69
*Spatial index: TRUE
*Linear referencing: FALSE

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Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
*Projected coordinate system name: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Kansas_North_FIPS_1501_Feet
*Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_North_American_1983

Map projection:
*Map projection name: Lambert Conformal Conic
Lambert conformal conic:
*Standard parallel: 38.716667
*Standard parallel: 39.783333
*Longitude of central meridian: -98.000000
*Latitude of projection origin: 38.333333
*False easting: 1312333.333333
*False northing: 0.000000

Planar coordinate information:
*Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
*Abscissa resolution: 0.000000
*Ordinate resolution: 0.000000
*Planar distance units: survey feet

Geodetic model:
*Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1983
*Ellipsoid name: Geodetic Reference System 80
*Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
*Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257222

Vertical coordinate system definition:
Altitude system definition:
*Altitude resolution: 0.000100
*Altitude encoding method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

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Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed description:
*Name: park_py

Entity type:
Entity type label: Wyandotte County Public Park Boundary Polygons
*Entity type type: Feature Class
*Entity type count: 69
Entity type definition:
Wyandotte County Public Park Boundary Polygons
Entity type definition source:

Attribute label: DateAdded
*Attribute alias: DATEADDED
Attribute definition:
Date Record was Added to Database
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Date
*Attribute width: 8
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute label: Address
*Attribute alias: FID
Attribute definition:
Park Street Address (or nearest street intersection)
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: OID
*Attribute width: 4
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute label: DateMod
*Attribute alias: TYPE
Attribute definition:
Date Record was Modified
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 17
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

*Attribute label: TYPE
*Attribute alias: COMMENT
Attribute definition:
Park Type
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 17

Attribute domain values:
Enumerated domain:
Enumerated domain value: Neighborhood Park
Enumerated domain value definition:
Park intended to serve a group of blocks or streets
Enumerated domain value definition source:

Enumerated domain:
Enumerated domain value: Community Park
Enumerated domain value definition:
Park that serves a number of neighborhoods, also known as a district park
Enumerated domain value definition source:

Enumerated domain:
Enumerated domain value: Regional Park
Enumerated domain value definition:
Larger park with more recreational features than community parks and attract users from a wider geographic area
Enumerated domain value definition source:

*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute label: COMMENT
*Attribute alias: Shape
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 100

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: Shape
*Attribute alias: PARKS_ID
*Attribute definition:
Feature geometry.
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Integer
*Attribute width: 9
*Attribute precision: 9
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: PARKS_ID
*Attribute alias: Shape_Leng
Attribute definition:
Internal User Id
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 9

*Attribute label: Shape_Leng
*Attribute alias: NAME

*Attribute type: Float
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 11

*Attribute label: NAME
*Attribute alias: Shape_Area
Attribute definition:
Park Name
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 27

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

*Attribute label: Shape_Area
*Attribute alias: ZIP
*Attribute definition:
Area of feature in internal units squared.
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Float
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 11

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

*Attribute label: ZIP
*Attribute alias: DATEMOD
Attribute definition:
Zip Code
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 10

*Attribute label: DATEMOD
*Attribute alias: DEV_ACRE
Attribute definition:
Date Record was Modified
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Date
*Attribute width: 8

*Attribute label: DEV_ACRE
*Attribute alias: UNDEV_ACRE
Attribute definition:
Acres of Developed Park Land
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Float
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 11

*Attribute label: UNDEV_ACRE
*Attribute alias: TOTAL_ACRE
Attribute definition:
Acres of Undeveloped Park Land
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Float
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 11

*Attribute label: TOTAL_ACRE
*Attribute alias: AMPHITHR
Attribute definition:
Total Park Acres
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Float
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 11

*Attribute label: AMPHITHR
*Attribute alias: REC_CTR
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: REC_CTR
*Attribute alias: VISIT_CTR
Attribute definition:
Recreation Center
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: VISIT_CTR
*Attribute alias: PARKING
Attribute definition:
Visitors Center

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PARKING
*Attribute alias: PARK_ROAD
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PARK_ROAD
*Attribute alias: GAZEBO
Attribute definition:
Park Road
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: GAZEBO
*Attribute alias: FLORAL_GDN
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: FLORAL_GDN
*Attribute alias: BRIDGE
Attribute definition:
Floral Garden
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BRIDGE
*Attribute alias: BOAT_DOCK
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BOAT_DOCK
*Attribute alias: BOAT_RAMP
Attribute definition:
Boat Dock
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BOAT_RAMP
*Attribute alias: MUSEUM
Attribute definition:
Boat Ramp
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: MUSEUM
*Attribute alias: WATER_GDN
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: WATER_GDN
*Attribute alias: MARINA
Attribute definition:
Water Garden
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: MARINA
*Attribute alias: BOATHOUSE
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BOATHOUSE
*Attribute alias: HIST_INFO
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: HIST_INFO
*Attribute alias: WALK_TRAIL
Attribute definition:
Historical Information
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: WALK_TRAIL
*Attribute alias: BIKE_PED
Attribute definition:
Walking Trail
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BIKE_PED
*Attribute alias: TRI_USE
Attribute definition:
Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: TRI_USE
*Attribute alias: PIC_SHLTR
Attribute definition:
Tri-Use Trail
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PIC_SHLTR
*Attribute alias: PLAYGROUND
Attribute definition:
Picnic Shelter
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PLAYGROUND
*Attribute alias: GRILL
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: GRILL
*Attribute alias: FOUNTAIN
Attribute definition:
Cooking Grill
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: FOUNTAIN
*Attribute alias: RESTROOM
Attribute definition:
Drinking Fountain
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: RESTROOM
*Attribute alias: TOILET
Attribute definition:
Rest Room
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: TOILET
*Attribute alias: BANDSTAND
Attribute definition:
Portable Toilet
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BANDSTAND
*Attribute alias: BLEACHER
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BLEACHER
*Attribute alias: CONCESSION
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: CONCESSION
*Attribute alias: BENCH
Attribute definition:
Concession Stand
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BENCH
*Attribute alias: SEAT
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SEAT
*Attribute alias: SOFTBALL
Attribute definition:
Seating Area
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SOFTBALL
*Attribute alias: LT_SOFTBAL
Attribute definition:
Softball Field
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: LT_SOFTBAL
*Attribute alias: BASEBALL

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BASEBALL
*Attribute alias: LT_BASEBAL
Attribute definition:
Baseball Field
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 50

*Attribute label: LT_BASEBAL
*Attribute alias: TENNIS

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: TENNIS
*Attribute alias: LT_TENNIS
Attribute definition:
Tennis Court
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: LT_TENNIS
*Attribute alias: SOCCER
Attribute definition:
Lighted Tennis Court
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SOCCER
*Attribute alias: LT_SOCCER
Attribute definition:
Soccer Field
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: LT_SOCCER
*Attribute alias: SND_VOLLEY
Attribute definition:
Lighted Soccer Field
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SND_VOLLEY
*Attribute alias: VOLLEY
Attribute definition:
Sand Volleyball Court
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: VOLLEY
*Attribute alias: FOOTBALL
Attribute definition:
Volleyball Court
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: FOOTBALL
*Attribute alias: BASKETBALL
Attribute definition:
Football Field
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: BASKETBALL
*Attribute alias: HALF_BKBAL
Attribute definition:
Basketball Court
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: HALF_BKBAL
*Attribute alias: SWIM_POOL
Attribute definition:
Half-Court Basketball
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SWIM_POOL
*Attribute alias: SKATE_PARK
Attribute definition:
Swimming Pool
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SKATE_PARK
*Attribute alias: DISC_GOLF
Attribute definition:
Skate Park
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: DISC_GOLF
*Attribute alias: JR_GOLF
Attribute definition:
Disc Golf Course
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: JR_GOLF
*Attribute alias: AQUA_PARK
Attribute definition:
Junior Golf Course
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: AQUA_PARK
*Attribute alias: ARCH_RANGE
Attribute definition:
Aquatics Park
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: ARCH_RANGE
*Attribute alias: FISHING
Attribute definition:
Archery Range
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: FISHING
*Attribute alias: EXERCISE
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: EXERCISE
*Attribute alias: HORSE_PIT
Attribute definition:
Exercise Area
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: HORSE_PIT
*Attribute alias: TRACK
Attribute definition:
Horseshoe Pit
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: TRACK
*Attribute alias: SPRAY_PARK
Attribute definition:
Track (Athletic)
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: SPRAY_PARK
*Attribute alias: PLAY_PAD
Attribute definition:
Spray Park
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PLAY_PAD
*Attribute alias: DOG_RUN
Attribute definition:
Play Pad
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: DOG_RUN
*Attribute alias: PIC_TABLE
Attribute definition:
Dog Run Area
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: PIC_TABLE
*Attribute alias: CITY
Attribute definition:
Picnic Table
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 1

*Attribute label: CITY
*Attribute alias: ADDRESS
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 20

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Overview description:
Dataset overview:
Wyandotte County public parks with basic attributes

Entity and attribute overview:
Contains basic attribution: park name, address, acres, park type, facilities present, etc.

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Distribution Information:

Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact organization: GeoSpatial Services

Contact voice telephone: 913-573-2941
Contact facsimile telephone: 913-573-4106

Contact electronic mail address: gss@wycokck.org

Hours of service: 8 AM - 5 PM Central Time | 14:00 - 23:00 UTC/GMT

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND ACCURACY: Unified Government of Wyandotte Co./Kansas City, KS (UG) makes no representations or warranties about this data or its content, including, without limitation: accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any purpose. Users of this data do so at their own risk; UG will not be liable to any such user for any loss or damage whatsoever.

Standard order process:
Digital form:
Digital transfer information:
*Transfer size: 0.077
*Dataset size: 0.077

Fees: Fees, if applicable, are per GeoSpatial Services latest GIS Digital Data Brochure (available upon request)
Ordering instructions:
Please send your written data requests to GeoSpatial Services by email, fax, or letter. We provide the 'GIS Digital Data Order Form' for this purpose. Call, write, or email us for a copy of this form. 

Email to: 	GetGISdata@wycokck.org

Fax to:		Att: GIS Data Requests
		Fax #: 913-573-4106

Mail to:		Att: GIS Data Requests
		UG GeoSpatial Services Division
		710 North 7th Street, Suite 200
		Kansas City, KS 66101
Turnaround: In most cases, we can turn-around your request and have data ready within 1-2 business days.

Custom order process:
Contact GSS for details
Technical prerequisites:
Software/hardware utility to view ESRI ® shapefile digital format

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Metadata Reference Information:

*Metadata date: 20110328
Metadata future review date: As Needed

*Language of metadata: en

Metadata contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact organization: GeoSpatial Services

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
710 N. 7th Street, Suite 200
City: Kansas City
State or province: Kansas
Postal code: 66101
Country: USA

Contact voice telephone: 913-573-2941
Contact facsimile telephone: 913-573-4106

Contact electronic mail address: gss@wycokck.org

Hours of service: 8 AM - 5 PM Central Time | 14:00 - 23:00 UTC/GMT

*Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
*Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
*Metadata time convention: local time

Metadata access constraints: None
Metadata use constraints:

Metadata security information:
Metadata security classification: Unclassified
Metadata security handling description:
This metadata should accompany the dataset it describes, and should not be altered in a manner that misconstrues its content.

Metadata extensions:
*Online linkage: http://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html
*Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

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Geoprocessing History:

*Date: 20110328
*Time: 134334
*Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
*Command issued: FeatureClassToFeatureClass R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py R:\data\pub\cultural park_py.shp # "PARKS_ID 'PARKS_ID' true true false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PARKS_ID,-1,-1;NAME 'NAME' true true false 27 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,NAME,-1,-1;Shape_Leng 'Shape_Length' false true true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,Shape_Length,-1,-1;Shape_Area 'Shape_Area' false true true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,Shape_Area,-1,-1;ZIP 'ZIP' true true false 10 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,ZIP,-1,-1;DATEMOD 'DATEMOD' true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,DATEMOD,-1,-1;DATEADDED 'DATEADDED' true true false 8 Date 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,DATEADDED,-1,-1;DEV_ACRE 'DEV_ACRE' true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,DEV_ACRE,-1,-1;UNDEV_ACRE 'Undeveloped Acreage' true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,UNDEV_ACRE,-1,-1;TOTAL_ACRE 'TOTAL_ACRE' true true false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TOTAL_ACRE,-1,-1;AMPHITHR 'Amphitheater' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,AMPHITHR,-1,-1;REC_CTR 'Recreation/Community Center' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,REC_CTR,-1,-1;VISIT_CTR 'Visitors Center' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,VISIT_CTR,-1,-1;PARKING 'PARKING' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PARKING,-1,-1;PARK_ROAD 'PARK_ROAD' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PARK_ROAD,-1,-1;GAZEBO 'Gazebo/Pavillion' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,GAZEBO,-1,-1;FLORAL_GDN 'Floral Garden' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,FLORAL_GDN,-1,-1;BRIDGE 'BRIDGE' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BRIDGE,-1,-1;BOAT_DOCK 'BOAT DOCK' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BOAT_DOCK,-1,-1;BOAT_RAMP 'BOAT RAMP' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BOAT_RAMP,-1,-1;MUSEUM 'MUSEUM' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,MUSEUM,-1,-1;WATER_GDN 'Water Garden' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,WATER_GDN,-1,-1;MARINA 'MARINA' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,MARINA,-1,-1;BOATHOUSE 'BOATHOUSE' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BOATHOUSE,-1,-1;HIST_INFO 'Historic Information/Marker' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,HIST_INFO,-1,-1;WALK_TRAIL 'Walking Trail' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,WALK_TRAIL,-1,-1;BIKE_PED 'Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BIKE_PED,-1,-1;TRI_USE 'Tri-Use Trail' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TRI_USE,-1,-1;PIC_SHLTR 'Picnic Shelter' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PIC_SHLTR,-1,-1;PLAYGROUND 'Playground Equipment' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PLAYGROUND,-1,-1;GRILL 'Picnic Grill' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,GRILL,-1,-1;FOUNTAIN 'Drinking Fountain' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,FOUNTAIN,-1,-1;RESTROOM 'RESTROOM' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,RESTROOM,-1,-1;TOILET 'Portable Toilet' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TOILET,-1,-1;BANDSTAND 'BANDSTAND' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BANDSTAND,-1,-1;BLEACHER 'Bleachers' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BLEACHER,-1,-1;CONCESSION 'Concession Stand' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,CONCESSION,-1,-1;BENCH 'Benches' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BENCH,-1,-1;SEAT 'Seating Area' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SEAT,-1,-1;SOFTBALL 'Softball Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SOFTBALL,-1,-1;LT_SOFTBAL 'Lighted Softball Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,LT_SOFTBALL,-1,-1;BASEBALL 'Baseball Field' true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BASEBALL,-1,-1;LT_BASEBAL 'Lighted Baseball Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,LT_BASEBALL,-1,-1;TENNIS 'Tennis Court' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TENNIS,-1,-1;LT_TENNIS 'Lighted Tennis Court' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,LT_TENNIS,-1,-1;SOCCER 'Soccer Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SOCCER,-1,-1;LT_SOCCER 'Lighted Soccer Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,LT_SOCCER,-1,-1;SND_VOLLEY 'Sand Volleyball Court' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SND_VOLLEY,-1,-1;VOLLEY 'Volleyball Poles' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,VOLLEY,-1,-1;FOOTBALL 'Football Field' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,FOOTBALL,-1,-1;BASKETBALL 'Basketball Court' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,BASKETBALL,-1,-1;HALF_BKBAL 'Half-Court Basketball Court' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,HALF_BKBAL,-1,-1;SWIM_POOL 'Swimming Pool' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SWIM_POOL,-1,-1;SKATE_PARK 'SKATE_PARK' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SKATE_PARK,-1,-1;DISC_GOLF 'DISC_GOLF' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,DISC_GOLF,-1,-1;JR_GOLF 'Junior Golf' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,JR_GOLF,-1,-1;AQUA_PARK 'Aquatics Park' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,AQUA_PARK,-1,-1;ARCH_RANGE 'Archery Range' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,ARCH_RANGE,-1,-1;FISHING 'FISHING' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,FISHING,-1,-1;EXERCISE 'Exercise Area' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,EXERCISE,-1,-1;HORSE_PIT 'Horseshoe Pit' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,HORSE_PIT,-1,-1;TRACK 'TRACK' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TRACK,-1,-1;SPRAY_PARK 'SPRAY_PARK' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,SPRAY_PARK,-1,-1;PLAY_PAD 'PLAY_PAD' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PLAY_PAD,-1,-1;DOG_RUN 'DOG_RUN' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,DOG_RUN,-1,-1;PIC_TABLE 'Picnic Table' true true false 1 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,PIC_TABLE,-1,-1;CITY 'CITY' true true false 20 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,CITY,-1,-1;TYPE 'TYPE' true true false 17 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,TYPE,-1,-1;COMMENT 'COMMENT' true true false 100 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,COMMENT,-1,-1;ADDRESS 'ADDRESS' true true false 50 Text 0 0 ,First,#,R:\data\dev\cultural\cultural.gdb\parks_rec\park_py,ADDRESS,-1,-1" # R:\data\pub\cultural\park_py.shp

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Binary Enclosures:

Enclosure type: Picture

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