US Post Offices in Wyandotte Co., KS | |
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Data format: Shapefile File or table name: postoffice_pt Coordinate system: State Plane Coordinate System 1983 Theme keywords: society, post office, US Postal Service, mail facility, government |
GIS point feature layer depicts US Post Offices in Wyandotte County, KS. Locations are symbolized by a point in approximate center of PO facility structure. In cases where post offices are leased or exist as contract stations in a larger building complex, points are at approximate location of station in complex. Included in this dataset is the Kansas City Bulk Mail Center (BMC) located at 4900 Speaker Rd Kansas City KS.
Basic attribution includes name of facility, street address, whether property is owned by US gov. or leased, and zip code.
Data is distributed in ESRI shapefile format, Kansas State Plane coordinates, NAD83, units US feet. |
Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.
GIS point feature layer depicts US Post Offices in Wyandotte County, KS. Locations are symbolized by a point in approximate center of PO facility structure. In cases where post offices are leased or exist as contract stations in a larger building complex, points are at approximate location of station in complex. Included in this dataset is the Kansas City Bulk Mail Center (BMC) located at 4900 Speaker Rd Kansas City KS. Basic attribution includes name of facility, street address, whether property is owned by US gov. or leased, and zip code. Data is distributed in ESRI shapefile format, Kansas State Plane coordinates, NAD83, units US feet.
Serves as a supplementary cultural GIS data layer to support the Unified Government's Enterprise GIS, and is used primarily for display in maps
Unified Government's GeoSpatial Services (GSS) is also custodian/distributor of many other digital spatial reference layer datasets covering Wyandotte County, Kansas. For more information on publicly available datasets contact GSS using Distributor contact info in this metadata.
publication date
1) Use of certain datasets is subject to terms of 'GIS Data Transmittal and Confidentiality Agreement'. For details contact GeoSpatial Services (GSS). GSS asserts all rights under copyright © 2009 by Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas. Unauthorized redistribution not permitted. 2) This metadata is an integral part of this data and should be used with and accompany data. 3) This data may come from a variety of sources and lineage and may not align perfectly when overlaid with other GIS layers. 4) You, the user, must exercise good judgment when acting upon this information. This data should always be independently verified with original (primary) data sources for accuracy/currency/completeness if circumstances (such as possible economic loss, physical injury risk, etc.) require it. Distribution of this data is intended for informational purposes only and said data is not necessarily deemed to standards for navigational, engineering, surveying, or legal uses. Data should not be used at a scale at odds with its accuracy or resolution. 5) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in the data supplied.
For general inquiries: call 913-573-2941 or email to For GIS digital data requests/inquiries call 913-573-2941 or email to
GeoSpatial Services Division (GSS) of Department of Technical Services of the Unifed Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas.
Facility names, street addresses, zip, phone numbers, and own/leased property designations were researched and checked by GeoSpatial Services, and believed to be very accurate.
One point was digitzed for each PO location-- no duplication allowed. In cases where PO was a leased station in a mixed-use, larger building complex (e.g. a store), a point was digitized in approx. location within building complex. Digitizing methodology for stand-alone postal facilities was to place a point in approx. geometric center of structure.
All operating Post Offices in Wyandotte Co. KS are represented in this dataset.
Location point placement was referenced by street address and positive identification of postal facility using digital air orthophotography. Accuracy is rated at high confidence level.
Aerial orthophotography provided snapshot of ground conditions to compare and review features, and as a base for feature extraction (digitization), if required
List of Wyandotte County Post Offices was compiled from AT&T white pages phone book dated 6/2008. List was verified for completeness with Post Office sources.
After PO site list was prepared from sources identified in Source Information section, feature capture process was point digitization in approx. building geometric center, using ortho aerials as ground reference. In cases where Post Office was a station in a larger building complex (e.g. retail store) point was placed in presumed location of station within building. Layer attribution was also added, such as PO name, address, zip, etc. Work done in ESRI ArcMap, ver. 9.2, Geodatabase format.
Feature geometry.
Feature geometry.
Post Office Name
GeoSpatial Services
Date added
GeoSpatial Services
Post Office Street Address
GeoSpatial Services
GeoSpatial Services
GeoSpatial Services
Zip Code
GeoSpatial Services
Date modified
GeoSpatial Services
Internal feature number.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY AND ACCURACY: Unified Government of Wyandotte Co./Kansas City, KS (UG) makes no representations or warranties about this data or its content, including, without limitation: accuracy, completeness, or fitness for any purpose. Users of this data do so at their own risk; UG will not be liable to any such user for any loss or damage whatsoever.
Please send your written data requests to GeoSpatial Services by email, fax, or letter. We provide the 'GIS Digital Data Order Form' for this purpose. Call, write, or email us for a copy of this form. Email to: Fax to: Att: GIS Data Requests Fax #: 913-573-4106 Mail to: Att: GIS Data Requests UG GeoSpatial Services Division 710 North 7th Street, Suite 70 Kansas City, KS 66101
Contact GSS for details
710 N. 7th Street, Suite 70